segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2022

Arte digital de Lasskogen

 Arte digital

“The debate between those who argue that digital art is equal to other forms of art and those who do not yet perceive it as such is still open. If you’re one of those people who haven’t made a decision yet, maybe we’ve found the graphic designer who will make you say “this is a masterpiece! 

He’s called Morten Lasskogen, known on Instagram as @iammoteh, and he’s a Danish digital artist. We decided to propose his works in which the absolute protagonist is nature, from plants to water, ending with clouds. 

The perfection of his renderings makes us doubt, we must look at them and study them well before understanding whether they are real or not, but this is precisely the strength of digital art. The impossible becomes reality, so everything is possible, even a cloud closed in a room.” 


Giulia Guido



            Depois de ver esta e outras composições de Morten Lasskogen, inauguro no Louco o marcador Arte digital! Convido o leitor a visitar o site abaixo e formar sua opinião.


Um comentário:

  1. Por que não seria arte? Lápis, pincel, tinta e grafite também não são instrumentos de criação ?
